
I really wanna burn some things

I really wanna burn some things
In a blazing fire, I really wanna burn some things
I wanna burn my faults, my fears, my what ifs
Burn all the losing lottery tickets I keep under my pillow
All these single socks, their pointless mystery and expectation
Burn all the receipts of unnecessary impulses
I wanna burn kilograms of steel
I wanna burn the helplessness I felt when help was available
I wanna burn the unconscious envy of my all friends’ success
Burn the T-shirt that I wore for the opportunity that could’ve changed my life
Burn all the cold sores and their week’s parade
I wanna burn the plane ticket for the flight I couldn’t make back home because of the crown germ
Burn the regret of ever leaving there
I wanna burn the leftover racism, sexism, homophobia my beautiful parents passed down unto me
Wanna burn all the uncomfortable conversations we’ve had that could’ve easily be solved if we listened more
Burn half the instincts that still linger with me from my careless teenage years
Burn the strict and anxious adult that I am Monday - Friday from 8 to 3
Wanna burn the callous enemies of my grandmother’s lungs
I wanna burn this year’s calendar
I wanna burn the pretentious scoffs at honest attempts
Wanna burn the resentment index I point at my passport
The unsatisfied looks I give my arms, legs, belly in the mirror
All the missed unreciprocated calls and texts
Burn my favourite shirt so I’m not afraid to stain it anymore
I wanna burn my stubborn workshop nails
I wanna burn the impatient sighs I breathe down on God’s neck
I wanna burn my daily growing cynicism
Burn all the endless jigsaws of injustice
The prejudice against the fortunate ones and their sons
The anger towards all those who don’t know better, feel better, communicate better, research better, trust better, understand better or have not had an opportunity to because of their surroundings, their environment, their parents, their teachers, their community, their circumstances, their library or lack thereof because of the powers that be
I wanna burn Moloch
And once the fire eats all this
I’ll light a candle with it
And keep it until my birthday
So I can blow my wish
Right through it