

Hello. My name is Appel and iLive my iLife. Everyday iGet up from my iBed after iRecharge my energy and go into the bathroom. There iWash my face with iWater from my iSink and then iShave with my iRazor. Then, in the kitchen, my beautiful iWife awaits for me there with the iBreakfast served. I love my iWife. We sit down at the iTable and talk about what we are going to do that iDay. I usually take our iChild to school everyday and after that I head to iWork. Our iChild is a 9 year-old iBoy with splendid iMarks. He changed everything in our lives. We love our iChild. Now, we want to conceive again another iChild but we can't make up our iMinds if we want an iBoy or an iGirl, blue or hazel eyed, blond or brunette. We tried a few designs but in the end we still didn't know which one to choose. Until we figure out which one to pick, we still have our wonderful iChild and our lovely iPet. Our iPet is a 4.5 version. It is self-trained to pee and poo outside and has self-cleaning incorporated. We love our iPet. After iGet iHome from iWork, iPark my iCar into my iGarage. My beautiful iFamily is all home getting ready for dinner. After we say iGrace, we engage eating. After that we are full and noticing that out battery is running low, we head off to iRecharge. We tuck our iChild into his iBed and then me and my iWife head into the iBedroom. One day a week is iPleasureDay where I plug my USB in her slot to iCharge each other. After those 5 minutes, we log out and turn off.

iLove my iLife!

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